Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Democratic Fund Raiser

"Dear Friend,

In just a few short weeks, (Nov 14) the fifth annual Democratic Gala, the Truman-Kennedy-Johnson Dinner will be held on Saturday, November 14th, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. This event is our biggest fundraiser of the year, providing revenue to support the important body of work our Democratic Party invests in throughout the upcoming year."

At least Joe Biden got it right. He will be speaking in Des Moines, Iowa where they did not see the necessity to change the name of this event.

The very first thing you need to do is change the name back to the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner and you might get my attention because your reasons for changing it were predicated on baseless principles and a different century. We dishonor those forefathers who helped make this country great.

We have a heck of a lot of important issues like our national debt that has almost reached 12 TRILLION DOLLARS. I would bet that Thomas Jefferson would roll over if he heard that one! Would he believe that our national debt was rising at the tune of about $70,000 per second?

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