Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sexy Tony

There used to be two guys (totally dissimilar as far as ethics are concerned) on the Palm Beach County Commission who I thought were "sexy": Bob Kanjian was one and the other was Tony Masilotti who managed to get himself into all sorts of trouble. Now he wants to get out of prison...don't blame him there. If Warren got his sentenced reduced then why not Tony Masilotti says Tony.

Sentenced to honest services fraud, he got 5 years in federal prison, paid a $25,000 fine and forfeited $175,000 and land worth more than $9 million. Stiff? Well he made $1.3 million on a land deal with South Florida Water Management District. And then he helped some land owner develop 2000 homes near Loxahatchee. He got about $50,000 for that. On top of it all, he then strong-armed the Diocese of Palm Beach to sell land in Royal Palm Beach to his associates. I think he made money on that too. Not too swift there, Tony...putting the arm on the "lord."

ANTHONY R MASILOTTI, 75825-004 53, -White-M, 12-24-2011, MIAMI FCI

This is the same facility where Manuel Noriega was held. What do you think? Should Tony be freed? Write him and tell him what you think.

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