Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Broken glass on North D on Recycling Day

I guess it was early in the year when the City switched to Waste Management and a one bin recyclable container for just about everything: newspapers, glass, tin cans, milk cartons and plastic cups to name a few. The BIG problem with this is when emptying the bins, a lot of the debris spills out onto the road. The garbage workers do not carry a broom and do not clean up the mess that they make. I just happened to see the above and took a photo.

At the time we elected to do this, Joe Kroll said that we would be making $1,500 to $2,000 a month on recyclables. Where is this money in the budget? We still don’t know where to put old batteries, cellphones, tires and old monitors and such. Did the City ever open a facility?

The goal of the City was to increase recycling by 30%. Now that we are recycling more items, have we saved any money at the landfill? What about those tipping fees? Has there been a significant reduction?

Maybe if we got an Audit we would learn about some of these "money makers."

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