Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Speaking of Audits....

Our “nice” magistrate, you know the one, the guy who lets these deadbeats off the hook a lot by reducing their fines by 95%....well, the City of Riviera Beach hired his law firm in August to see if there was any hanky panky going on with their Utility department when it purchased new water meters. Residents get the rate hike anyway.

Riviera Beach will now hire an Auditing firm out of New York to find out. They expect the internal Audit to be completed in 30 days.

How come the City of Lake Worth can’t get an Audit? Even if our Auditor started in February, what is taking so long? Now we have Mark Bates, another Finance Director leaving our employ before an Audit comes out. Sound familiar? It’s like de je vu all over again. And I hear that Ann Costello, our former Finance Director, is suing the City of Lake Worth even though our last Auditor said that she should be prosecuted.

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