Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Growth Regulation - We Need It

Blue Heron at Lake Osborne
Just one of the reasons why I love this place so much!

The Blue Heron is a bird that we need to protect just like the Florida Panther and the Gopher Tortoise. We need to preserve their habitats.

On the front page of the Post this morning there was an article all about landowners rushing to the PB County Commission asking permission to build more houses. The DCA has received 410 requests across the State, more in one month than in all of last year combined. Although probably none have done a Needs Analysis, they fear growth regulation. They fear how the average citizen might vote once Florida Hometown Democracy passes in November 2010.

Landowners and builders have a misconception--just because you own a plot of land does not give you the right to build anything you please on it. Because local governments have been in the pocket of developers for decades now, Florida Hometown Democracy will end the politics behind these bad decisions and the compromise of our comprehensive plans, our bible.

Lesley Blackner said, “They (city commissions) have the power to grant or deny land changes. It is all politics.” Florida Hometown Democracy will put an end to that. Decisions to change our Comp Plan will be in the hands of citizens. Why are local governments and politicians so afraid of that?

Vote Yes on 4 in November 2010.

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