Friday, August 14, 2009

The Whole Truth Matters

The point of a charge should be at least to tell the WHOLE and COMPLETE story, not just the part that sounds good. Wes just posted on his blog the following regarding Commissioner Golden:
Expect continued evasiveness from the incumbent. After all, she is part of a City Commission that further restricted public input to 2 minutes per person per item at Commission meetings and she voted for creating barriers to access of public information in the form of fees for employee time involved in records retrieval.
Now, the truth of the matter is the public used to have 3 minutes to talk about all items in a section. If, for instance, there were 5 items under NEW BUSINESS, then we got to speak for 3 minutes total. Now, we get to speak 2 minutes on each of the 5 items if we choose to or a total of 10 minutes under the above scenario. So in reality, we can speak longer. It does cut down our time during Public Commentary to 2 minutes.

By eliminating the facts of the matter, the truth was left out.

All you guys running for office, let's stop the spin and tell the whole story.

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