Friday, August 14, 2009

John running for Mayor

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John Jordan running again!

John registered today to run for Mayor of Lake Worth...shows how much I know! I would have bet a million bucks he would not run.

He says that he loves Florida and he is an American and for those reasons, he wants to run. Fed up with the illegal alien situation here in Lake Worth, he says, "Taxpayers should not have to put up with it and spend their money on illegals." He says that he will not waffle on the subject of illegal aliens and will "not bow down and kiss Cara's ring."

John is a former member of the State Legislature and has lived here for many years. He is concerned with the rapid deterioration of our city and the horrible decisions made by our elected officials such as eliminating the trolley and outsourcing the police and fire departments. As far as the elimination of decal parking permits at our beach for city residents, he says that "I will not abandon Lake Worth residents who have bought decals. Who is the County to tell us how we are going to run our beach?"

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