Friday, August 14, 2009

Alert from Robert Waples, ROLOH President

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We had a Home Burglary on Wright Drive last night. Details are-- a neighbor was away....while another neighbor was walking by he spotted an Hispanic male walking out from the back of the house carrying items. (About 8:35pm at night) (Awesome job of watching out for your neighbor's Jason!)

The neighbor confronted the burglar who dropped the items and ran away and 911 was called. I don't know if the house was secure or not but I do know that I came home the day before and my gate to the back yard was open which is never left open.

Everything at my house is very secure, locked and alarmed with signage and of course two dogs....I would venture to say that the burglar casing my house considered it not an easy mark and moved on. (This would have been during the day).

Moral to this notice is--please make sure all doors and windows are locked, your sheds are locked. Please do not leave easy to take items such as bicycles and electronics on your back patio's unsecured. These are exactly what they are looking for is something easy to grab and run.

As our PBSO team has told us on many occasions.....please be alert and be smart.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to secure your gates, the utility dept. will give you a lock and keys so that a meter reader can still have access.Lets try to do what we can to make our neighborhoods less of a target !Katie mcgiveron
