Friday, August 14, 2009

2nd Reading of Sunset

Comment Up
Save Our Neighborhood, Inc.
Chair, Katie with Lynn, Jennifer and Betty

Here we were, all prepared for the 2nd Reading to occur at the August 18th meeting and noticed that there was no public advertising in any local paper yesterday. Florida Statutes dictate that the 2nd reading be noticed five days before the meeting. We thought the 18th because this date was mentioned on more than one occasion and it was ten business days after the first reading—all kosher by Florida law.

Florida Statutes 166.041.
This parcel although less than 5 acres is treated as a large scale amendment of 10 acres or more--
a. The local governing body shall hold two advertised public hearings on the proposed ordinance. At least one hearing shall be held after 5 p.m. on a weekday, unless the local governing body, by a majority plus one vote, elects to conduct that hearing at another time of day. The first public hearing shall be held at least 7 days after the day that the first advertisement is published. The second hearing shall be held at least 10 days after the first hearing and shall be advertised at least 5 days prior to the public hearing.

b. The required advertisements shall be no less than 2 columns wide by 10 inches long in a standard size or a tabloid size newspaper, and the headline in the advertisement shall be in a type no smaller than 18 point. The advertisement shall not be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear. The advertisement shall be placed in a newspaper of general paid circulation in the municipality and of general interest and readership in the municipality, not one of limited subject matter, pursuant to chapter 50. It is the legislative intent that, whenever possible, the advertisement appear in a newspaper that is published at least 5 days a week unless the only newspaper in the municipality is published less than 5 days a week. The advertisement shall be in substantially the following form:
Lo and behold we now notice that the meeting is scheduled for August 25th, per the city calendar, at 1:00 pm, a time when few can attend. Even members of our PAC will have to take off from work. So, all of you who are concerned about preserving the single family residential neighborhoods in the City of Lake Worth, come to the meeting and speak out. This is not just about Sunset.

I called the City Clerk this morning and was told that, no, there was never a date set up for the 2nd reading. When asked if it would be advertised 5 days prior to the meeting she said, “Well of course, it will be in Sunday’s paper.”


  1. what a handsome group

  2. I admire the heck out of you gals for never giving up all these years. What a group. Every neighborhood should have people like you. Right now you have done all the neighborhoods justice here in Lake Worth. If they try and do that to mine, can I count of you four to help?
