Friday, August 14, 2009

Blast from the Past

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Do you remember the Vote NO Campaign? This is when Clemens, Vespo and Lowe wanted 3 year terms and no run-off elections. The city spent money putting them on the ballot and consequently they got soundly defeated.

This is why they brought it forward--

Mayor Clemens said that candidates were placed on the ballot for the purpose of lying and because they knew it would force a run-off election. Not having a run-off election would eliminate nasty comments being spoken against the candidates. The current election system encouraged people to make mean comments and candidates to enter a campaign for the sole purpose of attacking people. 10-2-07

The voters usually see through phony arguments.


  1. Yes, I remember it well. It was just four years before that when it was on the ballot and the voters turned it down. People spoke out saying it was a waste of money but Lowe just went barreling ahead.

  2. Not sure about what Clemens meant about candidates saying mean things, but the truth of the matter is run offs are a political trick used by devious residents to get unqualified candidates elected. They get sacrificial lambs that have no shot at winning so the winner has to get at least 50% of the votes. I heard a lame argument that anyone that does not get 50% of the votes should not get elected but we have elected officials that got less than 40%. Look who has won run offs in the past- Drautz, Jennings, Golden all after losing the first election. All have been miserable failures for the city. So now we know why the naysayers worked so hard to defeat the amendment. We all get stuck with lame officials with the present run off system.

  3. 67% of the voters do NOT agree with you. We have never elected anyone into office without over 50% of the vote. This is our system and has nothing to do with "devious tricks." Don't let your vivid imagination run away with common sense. Name one.

    As far as your opinion as to whom is or was qualified, it is only your opinion. The miserable failures for the City have been several past Mayors and Commissioners as well as a few present and not those mentioned by you. We must also blame it on terrible City Managers and a City Attorney that got us into unbelievable messes and waste for our City.

    Majority Rule is the only way.
