Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tuesday’s Commission Meeting

Comment up
What’s up and will/might appear on our tax bill.

STORMWATER flat fee of $75.60 per ERU- based on average single family impervious area of 1,748 sq. ft.

SOLID WASTE flat fee of $245.76 per ERU. The winner: these guys cramming in 20 people in a 700 sq. ft area. The loser: the single or senior living in a small house or condo unit who does not generate much waste.

I need more clarification on the above fees.

SHERIFF: Will be raising its rate by 3% instead of 7%. We will be paying $14,267,016 for the new budget year 2009/10. This breaks down to a payment of $1,188,918 a month…that’s MILLIONS. The City pays for the building, insurance, utilities, maintenance, etc for a yearly cost of $1,300,000 a year. This comes to a total cost of $15, 567,016.00 a year.

MOJITIO’S is back…the bar that wants to be a nightclub that has been acting as a nightclub anyway.

OFFICIAL BALLOT will be set.

TAX CREDIT for senior housing for a developer proposal on LW Road and Boutwell Rd. This is yet another RENTAL development in Lake Worth and it is not affordable housing for Seniors, other than for our favorite Realtor that is.


  1. Damm, that Suzanne is hot looking!

  2. Damn, they just all make me HOT with some of the crap they pull.

  3. They're all good looking.

  4. Yeah, well, next time Suzanne walks past my house I'm going to tell her how hot she is....LOL! :-)
