Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Beginning, Ave Maria

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A cousin living in Lake Worth at the time paid a smuggler $6,000 to bring them through the Arizona desert. Although Maria said she never felt discrimination in her new town, she lived in perpetual fear that immigration officials would arrest her at work and deport her, separating her forever from her American grandchildren.

Why we have half the country of Guatemala living in Lake Worth

And why children of illegal aliens should not automatically become citizens because they are born of illegal aliens on our soil.

The Mentoring Center should at least do two things; teach these people how to become citizens and teach them English.

1 comment:

  1. It would be one thing if these people came here through the proper channels, but to come here illegally expecting the American taxpayers to help them is just unfair! They have so many children, that they cannot afford in hopes it will prevent them from being deported. I hear the excuse that they are Catholic's, well there are plenty of used condom's in our streets and alley's! They have no pride in the community, and will not help clean up the neighborhoods they litter! They pay good money for fake documents, so they can obtain Drivers lisences! Others drive without Lisences or insurance endangering us all and driving up our insurance rates. They don't support our American businesses and mainly purchace goods from within their own circles, and send a graet deal of money back to their country. They have no respect for their American neighbors. At the very least, the Mentoring Center should teach these people to respect our ordinences and Laws!
