Sunday, August 16, 2009

Downtown Buzz

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The City was buzzing today as was the beach

The guy who drank this is still buzzing

Helen from N.Y. getting ready for some N.Y. pizza
She keeps on buzzing that New York pizza is the best!
Something to do with the water just like their bagels.


  1. "New York" pizza is no different than the pizza right here. In fact, the best pizza I've ever had is right here in Florida! Lake Worth Pizza, N.Y.P.D. at the beach and Pizza Girls on Clematis Street in downtown West Palm Beach are as good or better than any pizza I've ever had in New York....and I was born and raised there (which means NOTHING!)
    That baloney (AKA balogna) about "it's the water" is a ridiculous MYTH!

  2. Pizza from NY and NJ are 100% better.

  3. You have no idea what you're talking about. Just another arrogant New Yorker.
    Go back up there and cram your crappy pizza where the sun don't shine.
    (Lynn - post this....c'mon...!
    It's time to strike back at these
    people who have everything better up north, yet they live here!)

  4. You know, I don't really understand what it is about you but you love to twist things around. This is a place downtown that MAKES NEW YORK PIZZA. The guy is from Brooklyn. It is the best crust around according to this New Yorker. She can't have an opinion?

  5. Oh no!!! I am very sorry! I was NOT referring to Helen from New York!!! I was replying to the 3:46 post!
    I AM pizza for me for a week! :-(

  6. Well, I bet Exline a large pizza that he would not file. He did! Now I have to pay off. Where's the cheapest pizza place in town? Only kidding, Ron.
