Monday, August 17, 2009

Message from Lesley - Florida Hometown Democracy

Floridians - Reclaim your communities!

After admitting to spending about $4 million on their campaign so far, the “look-alike” petition sponsored by Floridians for Smarter Growth appears to be dead. Their “Smart Growth” petition was created in the summer of 2007 by the Florida Chamber of Commerce with the sole purpose of destroying Hometown Democracy.

Since then “Smart Growth” has submitted 443,000 valid petitions to the State. Their campaign needs about 230,000 more to make the 2010 ballot.Truly the devil is in the details of their petition. Full of trickery and deception, they tell people what they want to hear and then pull the trap door.

Recently, Hometown Democracy supporters pointed out that the “Smart Growth” amendment process discriminates against active military and National Guard deployed abroad who can’t get home to sign a petition. The “Smart Growth” process also discriminates against disabled, homebound people and probably violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Of course, the “Smart Growth” crew never gave a second thought to those Floridians…their sole goal is to perpetuate the status quo of government of, by and for the developer. But they overreached and they now know it.

We have inside information that the Chamber is abandoning the “Smart Growth” petition. Instead, in a desperate move, they are going to lobby the Florida Legislatures to put a competing amendment on the 2010 ballot to kill FHD. We should not be surprised.This is the crew who recently passed the “360” Bull, virtually gutting remaining growth management.

We already know what their real message is: "pave over paradise and wreck Florida’s economy with over-building and keep on doing it. Don’t let the people vote on growth!!!!"

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