Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tax Bill

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I don't get much of interest in the mail these days as I pay most of my bills online. So what I do get is usually good news or junk.

We all received our proposed tax notices today. I predicted that we would be the highest taxed city in Palm Beach County. I was exaggerating to make a point because no one usually can beat Pahokee or Belle Glade when it comes to millage rates. I don’t know how it will work out but one thing for sure, our millage, overall, is set at 24.7999. Last year it was 21.3563.

Millage is the tax rate used to calculate your ad valorem taxes. One mil equals $1 for every $1,000 of taxable property value. If your millage rate is 24.7999, then you are paying $24.80 in taxes for every $1,000 of taxable property value.

With the cost of everything UP in the City of Lake Worth as the solution to our budget woes, even nickel and dimming us to death on public information costs, we do need to reduce expense. Code Enforcement is not the area.


  1. Last year my market Value was $165,000. This year it's $71,000. I live in District 2. I blame Cara and the commission, for allowing all this blight and overcrowding! A friend of mine, lives in Lake Osborn, Their market Value went from $155,000 last year to $115,000 this year. There is a direct correlation with lack of code! I paid $80,000 for my home in 2001, and have invested over $20,000 making improvements! My Taxes are higher this year than any other since I bought it!

  2. Yes, of course it's Cara's fault that our property values are dropping. Property values are shooting up in other cities across the country, right? Couldn't have anything to do with the real estate bubble. That was all her fault, too. And whose fault is it, Lynn, that the previous commentor is so woefully ignorant? Probably Cara's.
    My tax rate is $19.72 per $1000 of assessed property value. That includes non-ad valorem. How do you get $24??

  3. After researching papa all morning, I found the neighborhoods that are both blighted and overcrowded, depreciated the worst of anywhere in this City. I also noticed that the overcrowded rental properties saw a reduction in their tax bill, while I did not! Check it out for yourself. The facts speak for themselves!We all know Cara manipulates code!


    1. Go to PAPA
    2. type in property address
    3. Scroll down to TAXES
    4. Click on DETAILS
    At the top you will see the total millage

  5. Well who can you blame if it is not our elected commissioners? Who allowed the illegals to take over? Who but that group calls us all racists when we want them to obey laws. Their chosen candidate Javir said that. Now it seems they want to take away laws or eliminate them altogether by having no code. This is one freaking mess here. What's this got to do with a real estate bubble? Go demonstrate somewhere poster at 9:28.

  6. Someone is very sensitive about Cara. If the shoe fits, wear it.
