Saturday, August 22, 2009

Let's let pizza decide the election

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One of the Lake Voters has sent this e-mail out to all the candidates--
Hi. I was wondering about something simple. I would like to ask all the candidates for their answer to the following question: Do you like pizza, and, if so, what pizzeria would you call if you wanted a delivery? What toppings, if any, would you ask for? Thank you very much for your time! I am going to vote for the candidate who's answer suits me best. Good luck in the forthcoming election! :-)
Actually, perhaps this voter has hit on something. We know that once someone is elected to office that it finally boils down to THEIR agenda first. They seem to soon forget about the voters and what the people might want. Some even have contempt for our laws. The don't return phone calls. They don't ever return e-mails--forget about that! Public speaking has turned into a joke. Research? Who ever heard of that? Budget? Who understands it? We can't seem to ever rise above getting out of our own way in this City. How do we ever know who will be a responsible leader?

So, let topping on a pizza decide it.

What the heck-- it's all a crap shoot anyway.


  1. The voter's question is a good one.

  2. Hey, Wes Blackman has this pizza question on his blog, too!

  3. I know. He actually answered the question the other day and sent it to me. Wes won't post on my blog and therefore I reciprocate. I told him that he was missing out not getting black olives!

  4. "I told him that he was missing out not getting black olives!"

    I think that some voters will consider that to be racist.

  5. You're probably right on that one. LOL
