Sunday, August 23, 2009

Don't Hide behind the Chide

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After a series of e-mails from the City Manager, I still have no clue as to how we will enforce our Code (if that is even the plan) and clean up our City. Hopefully, this will all be revealed soon to the citizens of Lake Worth.

Living in one of the most blighted cities I have ever seen or resided, code enforcement is a necessity and should not be treated as an expense that we can not afford. All the code violations affect our quality of life and directly affect our taxes. All properties must be in compliance and we need this enforced.

With a lax code policy more and more people who have no pride in where they live or the neighbors they live around will be moving to Lake Worth. The word will get out--come to Lake Worth and you can live like a slob cementing the thought that what you do should be your right with no government interference.

Is this what we want? Have we as a city given up on protecting our taxpaying citizens? Have we turned into a "live and let live" city? We need more code, not less and we need to collect the fines that are owed instead of these deadbeats sticking it in our nose. We might then have a very profitable code department and eventually clean up the blight.

It's up to all of you to voice your opinion--but we haven't heard the "plan."


  1. Thank you,Lynn! What is the plan for our code dept? If Ms . Stanton has a more efficient way to get the job done in mind, GREAT ! Businesses need code inspections to open their businesses. Renters need code to make sure that their landlords have provided them a legal,safe place to live.From what I've seen and heard from residents in all areas of Lake Worth, we didn't have ENOUGH code. Now we have even LESS code resources than before. I don't get it. Enlighten me, Ms. Stanton.Katie Mcgiveron

  2. Do you actually think that anyone on the commission would actually return a phone call, email or a letter? You are a dreamer or a unrealistic optimist. I have much experience with this. What we have is not representative government and hopefully (change is in the air). A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again the same way and expecting a different result. The so named Pavers and Cavers have fought for their causes and have through their lack of compromise have allowed a third world commission element to be elected through default.
    We need to elect responsible people who have some business experience, can read a budget, study monthly reports, demand timely audits and respect the people and businesses who are paying the taxes. We need people who believe in our Government and our way of life and have actually earned a living through hard work and dedication
    I have been labeled a Caver but I would prefer a so called Paver in office to the third world who have infested our government.

  3. Ms. Stanton's not telling and the Commission's not telling. What gives?

  4. Yea now our little area of LW will be even more blighted and neglected with little code enforcement. Sadly the City could actually make money our Neighborhood association turned in about 12 properties and of those about 8 have code violations in EXCESS of 100,000. Then these properties go to court and we allow a settlement for a fraction of the fine.
    You noticed the open door to Stanton's office? Yea I have never received a call back either nor a proper response to an email. The only response to an email I did receive was to tell me I had the wrong date listed. Her secretary is pretty good at blocking and screening calls.
    As for the CRA I was a little Pissed that at the last meeting they all blabbed about the future of LW in the western side. Please come buy my house and make it a CRA office. Did I mention the shooting outside my front door about 3 weeks ago? Another drunk person of Central American origin with no legal status in U.S. became the victim.
