Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Memory Refresher

Because Lois Frankel is trying to undo the Charter and run for a third term, it is important to remember what she did and how power is corruptible. She is a great example as to why we do not want a "strong" mayor in Lake Worth.

"Developers and businesses perceive that the City of West Palm Beach is in fact a “pay to play” city. Developers take actions consistent with this conclusion, including the contribution of substantial sums of money to the campaign account of Mayor Lois Frankel. Contributions are made at times significant to approval of or consideration of projects or matters before various boards and the City Commission in West Palm Beach. Campaign contributions in increments of $500.00 were made by wealthy large scale developers to the political campaign account of Mayor Lois Frankel. These contributions came from individuals, companies, and legal entities which were found to be connected to the developers. The total campaign contributions connected to a given developer varied from $5,000 to $21,000. "

Read the Redacted Grand Jury Report February 2007 on Pay to Play in West Palm Beach

Read the 7 reasons to remember

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