Friday, August 28, 2009

Cyber bullies hiding behind an illusory shield

Comment Up
Our favorite guy
Maureen Dowd, opinion writer for the New York Times, wrote a piece yesterday especially for you anonymous bloggers, you know, the ones who constantly hide behind the mask...the cowardly ones who love to post and make up outrageous off the wall stuff for the sheer delight of all your fellow gang bangers. They post under pseudo names or anonymous names and perpetuate the lie. Anonymous is fine if what is written is not a personal attack loaded like a stuffed baked potato full of yesterday's garbage. If you want to whack and attack, use your name. We actually have some running for office who let another blogger (our favorite guy) do the dirty for them so their record appears clean as wind driven snow. It is all a sick game and in Lake Worth.

Maureen says, "What is the mentality that lets them get in your face while wearing a mask? Shredding someone's character before the entire world and not being held accountable seems like the perfect sting."

Read more -- THE ARTICLE

This has been going on for years here in Lake Worth with the same people playing in the same sandbox...the ones who describe themselves as "positive."


  1. Baased on your post it would seem you're referring to Wes and Jim. You are wrong on both counts, the sme way you were wrong for accusing Elizabeth. Quite a few people know you were one of the ones that tried to get her fired, it's not a secret. I have nothing to do with Wes, Jim or Elizabeth and nobody is "putting me up" to this. Your posts do tend to have a negative spin to them, and whenever I post on your blog I ask for you to answer questions about the content of your posts. You still haven't answered with your opinions about what would happen with the CRA money.
    Based on your reactions it seems like someone hit a nerve with the you being negative comment.
    And trust me it has nothing to do with being a coward. It's funny watching your reaction to being called out on yor posts and trying to figure out who's calling you out.
    By the way have you forgotten you were the one that origianlly poisened Jim's site with the name calling and false accusations? You do remember that don't you?

  2. I say, if the shoe fits, wear it.
    Next, you are exactly the person I am talking about here. You come over here with your bull. I decided to post your comment inspite of the fact that you are too cowardly to sign it. Tell Eliz to get over it. I had nothing to do with her job. If she lost her job it had everything to do with her.

    Next, I am not answerable to you. You think I have a negative spin--well I call it realistic and on this planet.

    No one hit a nerve with me regarding the CRA or anything else I write about. I wrote what I thought about another giveaway. It is what it is and it is a reason why many people feel the CRA should be abolished or taken back under the leadership of our elected officials.

    I could care less about being called out on my blogs. I expect that when I write comes with the territory. Sign your name next time.

  3. If you're going to smear someone especially on her own blog, why don't you sign your name? What a first class jacka&&.

  4. Did Jack write that?

  5. Lynn, I for one don't have alot of faith in our elected officials. They are not representing the homeowners in District 2, when they tie our code officers hands, leaving us to live in a slum. Our property values dropped like a rock,unlike the other area's of the city. I would prefer the money be spent on this new endever, than for the commission to put a huge homeless shelter west of Dixie.

  6. Lynn, please do not twist things to make it seem like Elizabeth was fired. Here you go again.

    Truth out - Elizabeth did not get fired. She did not lose her job due to poor performance. She elected to take a package which was offered to many employees. The bank was in financial trouble. PS - this is NOT Elizabeth. But, I am her friend.

  7. to the poster at 9:21..Lynn never said that Elizabeth was fired. Why do you people continue to twist the truth? There you go again.

  8. Fired or not,what Elizabeth did do was to steal campaign signs. And she did this while in the company of a minor that she met through a mentoring program in the elementary school funded by Wachovia.Elizabeth has NEVER apologized for her actions, in fact she tried to DENY that they happened.Her friends in town tried to cover everything up, but the story was covered on the local T.V. news stations.I watched it on the 11:00 news and got the story first hand from the people who were there when the police arrived at the scene of the theft.Our people running for office are on limited budgets.After all of the time and money spent on these campaign devices,candidates should not have to worry about being ripped off people like Elizabeth.And last but certainly not least- what kind of message did Elizabeth send to the child that was with her? Is this kid going to have some kind of future as a snatch and grab con ? Maybe they can just get a job in a bank.

  9. I guess the person who brought her up wishes he didn't. Truth hurts.

  10. To the poster who just tried to post here--be smart. Don't bring up her name here. Don't even try to threaten me. You started it with your lies. There are millions of Elizabeth's in this world. Whoever you might be talking about is just one of the millions of women with the same name. How many are there in Lake Worth I wonder.

  11. That's rich. The have been dishing out crap for years and now can't take the heat.

  12. I am coming very close to eliminating the anonymous posting. It seems that some people just can't take a hint. They are so used to the slander on a talk forum that they think they can get away with the lies here. If you continue to get rejected it is becayse you did not read the Comment Policy.
