Saturday, August 29, 2009

Whistleblowers in Lake Worth

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"Let's assume Andres Reyes and Howard Jordan were wrong in their contention that an unauthorized PC plugged into to the mainframe operating the electrical system in Lake Worth, Fla., posed a threat to the state's power grid. After raising their concerns privately, the two employees of city-owned Lake Worth Utilities went public, and for their whistle-blowing, were fired by the city earlier this month."

Read more from Government Information Security

1 comment:

  1. These two employees had nothing to gain. They were good employees. This gives me NO confidence that if a serious threat to my family occurred ,it would be covered up by city staff.It surprises and disappoints me that these two were allowed to hang in the wind by our Commission. I intend to ask ALL of our candidates how they would handle another incidence like this one.Katie Mcgiveron
