Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It is all about the Benefits

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West Palm Beach Police, members of the Palm Beach Police Benevolent Association, voted 150 to 35 to go with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department. Why? The police are experiencing “hard feelings” because WPB might take away a benefit. Their reason is similar to the reason in Lake Worth when our cops did the same thing--benefits and they want to take home their police vehicle.

The only difference here is that West Palm Beach Commissioners and Mayor Lois Frankel says, “NO way.”

Our Finance Department well understood the folly of this emotional decision for “safety” and that it would hurt the City of Lake Worth financially. We are scrambling to pay for the Sheriff. There are others who are finally seeing the light as the PB County Sheriff raises its budget without hiring any more men. Why? Expenses are way up thanks to benefits one of which is taking home their police vehicle. The reason to stop this practice far outweighs the benefit of an empty sheriff's car parked in some deputy's driveway.

The Sheriff has done a great job instilling fear in the average citizen and that they are the savior because their resources are better than a small city...probably so. But when you have the same 91 men, it only proves here in Lake Worth that it was management and not the men who make it better. Home burglaries/invasions are up in Lake Worth. Early Monday there was one on Hillcrest and a gun was fired. That stungun that the Deputies are wearing around their belt didn't help here. Resources are helpful but we now know that it was all about taking more people out of the office and putting them on the streets.

Having our own police department would be a benefit. Having a Union that would negotiate would be a benefit. Having workers who are not allowed to constantly get away with demands would be a benefit to all the citizens who pay the tab.


  1. Everyone knew it at the time that this would be too expensive. Talk about stupid. The children over on that smut board still do not get it--still rants and raves about how great the Sheriff is. Even Stanton says it was not a good idea.

  2. 95% of the residents at the meeting were for PBSO. I thought your motto was let the people decide? Was it PBSO that staged the gang shootouts in Lake Worth to scare people? Is that what you mean by scare tactics? When was the last time there was a drive by shooting in the city? What is your rationalization for stating we would be better off with our own police? They were overmatched and completely ineffective. Just because you were against PBSO does not make it a bad decsion. Stanton has not been in the city long enough to make the comment that it was a bad idea. Crime was out of control and getting worse. Where are your backup statistics showing crime is up? Anyone knows as the economy gets worse crime increases. Is this the fault of PBSO too? Imagine how bad it would be if LWPD was still in place? LWPD could not even get the bums out of Cultural Park.

  3. The large majority at the Masonic Lodge were police officers, their family and friends and you. So, what is your problem when I say we can't afford them? I continue to point out that it is a management problem in the past, not the men. These are the SAME men. Now the problem is COST. Ask Mark Bates. Crime is still out of control. You just don't hear about it. So what about this do you not understand? Same men; different shifts; more money.

  4. The large majority were regular citizens don't try to spin it. PBSO has negotiated with other cities to have no increase in costs if LW can't negotitate based on lack of taxes they need to get a better negotiator. I'm sure Vespo could have negotiated for no increase. If it's the SAME men why is the response time so much better? The stock answer from LWPD was we'll see what we can do. Well that's not good enough from anyone in any job, never mind those in public safety. Weren't you calling for Bate's head along with Baldwin's not long ago? Now you're quoting him? I don't think so. If crime is so out of control are you saying PBSO or the city is trying to cover it up? Sorry you need to prove that.If so many residents are happier with PBSO than LWPD and feel the city is safer are you sying they are all wrong and you are right? Just because you were against the merger? You have still not answered the question what is the price for public safety. And what about letting the people decide? You didn't respond to that one either. The people voiced their opinions on the matter. Do you only advocate listening to the people when the situation favors one of your issues?

  5. Look--I don't have to prove one thing. This is all about my opinion and it is a fact that the Sheriff is costing us more than we can afford. It has nothing to do with a better negotiator.You mention Vespo. Great. Just like he negotiated our water away. Great job, Dave! Bradshaw has just increased his budget by 3.5 mil. He is not negotiating anything right now and Cpt. Silva told Stanton that. This has nothing to do with whether PBSO is doing a superb job or not. As far as I know they are. It has to do with cost.

  6. Poster at 4:19. The Contract stipulated that the Sheriff would keep our LW officers in LW for at least one year. It is the same men. Why don't you just ask one of them. I just ran into Mahoney a week ago and asked him that question. He said it is the same guys. I don't know why you're so angry.
