Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Take a guess who said what

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Quote from the Commission Workshop:

"I love infrastructure. It' s not sexy; it doesn't get you elected but we need it!"

"Trees for spaces."

"What we're asking the County is to treat us differently than the rest of the County," says XXXX speaking about our beach decals.

"Beach decals is not worth putting more of our beach property under concrete."

"I'm so tired of it. I hate the parking...we need a beautiful entry way into our beach."

"If we have to play this same tune, over and over, but we need to make a decision...I don't need a beach decal...I'm tan enough...my people don't use beach decals."

Interesting point that came out when Commissioner Golden asked how many decals had been sold this year? Answer--994. This is a direct result of raising the fee from $10 to $20. Normally the number of people with decal permits has been right under 1500.


  1. Why don't they change the name of it to Palm Beach County Beach?

  2. the 1st one on infrastructure has to be Suzanne. It would be difficult to imagine anyone else saying that. The last one is Retha Lowe. Right?

  3. anyone giving away permit parking for residents is a nut job. It must be Jennings that said that stuff.

  4. I think that commissioner meant trees for space cadets. Did they not give us decal parking. Is that it? Whose up for election. They will not get my vote. Not one of them.

  5. Take away the beach decal program, the trolley, the senior center, the comfortable use of the shuffleboard building, pay electric utilities that are 30% higher than FP&L, pay the highest taxes & fees of any city in the county, cut a ridiculous costly water deal with the county, lose the local control of the fire & police & become a sanctuary city and finally lose our rating for our High School.

    We would need to enlist a 1st class PR firm (Commissioned by God almighty) to get folks or businesses to move to Lake Worth. What a shame.

    Faith is defined by some as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things still unseen. It is difficult to have faith in Lake Worth. The city manager is too new to judge but there is a no confidence vote for the commission & CRA board. Those who are not engaged in this next November election do so at their own peril.

    We surely need change that we can believe in.

    James McCauley

  6. Ok Daddy, come to Mama. You are dead on.

  7. That's an interesting comment by McCauley considering he's worked so hard in the past to get rid of quality folks like Romano and Vespo. Does he think McNamara and Exline would do any better? Buyer's remorse I guess.

  8. The treating us differently than the rest of the county comment was Jeff's. Jeff, in case you don't know it, we are different. This is our beach, not theirs.
