Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hey Fatty, you should be eating More!

Am I the only one out here who did not know that eating food more often will help you lose weight? I have been doing just the opposite and can't lose a pound. Barbara Jean Webber with her model like figure told me that last night and I had never heard it before. Is it really true? Wouldn't you hate to eat 5 or 6 meals a day and end up weighing 2 tons?

Here are the facts:

One of the best ways to control your caloric intake and lose weight is to eat more often throughout the day. Ideally, you should eat 5 to 6 times per day, with 2 ½ to 3 ½ hours between each meal or snack. There are several reasons why this works.

  • Eating more frequently gets your metabolism going and keeps it working at an elevated level continuously throughout the day.
  • It will amp up your energy and keep your insulin level constant.
  • Because you are eating more frequently, you should eat a smaller portion at each meal or snack. Use some common sense here and remember the key word is SMALL! If you are eating your normal portions, this won’t work! This isn’t as hard as it sounds, because you just won’t be as hungry since you just ate 2 or 3 hours ago.
  • Since you are not as hungry, it is much easier to pick a lean and healthy snack. When you let yourself get very hungry, you are much more likely to grab whatever is in sight. This is also when you start to crave all of those things that are so high in fat and calories, and you will probably eat more of it.
  • Even though you will ideally be eating LESS food that you are now, you will feel like you are eating MORE. Your mind and body will equate eating more frequently with more food, and therefore feeling more satisfied.
  • Knowing that you will be eating more often, you should plan ahead for your meals and snacks. This, too, will help to insure that you pick foods that are good for you and fit into a lean and healthy diet.

Is it easy to incorporate eating 5 to 6 times per day into your schedule? Not at first! It does take a little extra time and planning. Is it worth it? Absolutely! If you do it sensibly, it will help you to control your fat and calorie intake. The result is reaching and/or maintaining your weight loss goals.

Source: ShapeFit

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