Sunday, August 30, 2009

Customer Service--we might just get some

Excellent is the grade that City Manager Stanton is striving for in customer service. Customer service has been virtually non-existent in many departments. If I call Finance, forget it. If I call Mark Bates directly, no problem. If I call Lake Worth Utilities, it is usually a hassle.

City Manager, Susan Stanton is on a mission to improve our customer service and will have a system in place over the next two months or so. Every employee will be signed into the phone system during business hours in order to accept phone calls. These calls will be monitored and reports given to management on a daily basis.

The irony here is that I have yet to receive a call back from Ms. Stanton. She does answer direct e-mails to her, however. I have always wondered if she has ever received the few calls I have made that have gone through her secretary. Once this program is implemented, management will know and perhaps so will we. This is a step in the right direction.

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