Sunday, August 30, 2009

That One Stupid Act

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Campaign Kick-Off party for Jo-Ann Golden Commissioner District 3
Held at the beautiful home of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Grimm

I don’t blame Mrs. Jennings for not shaking my hand last night. She was being a Mother and she also knows, better than anyone, all the good things that her daughter tries to accomplish and the compassion and passion Cara has for certain causes. If the situation were in reverse, I probably would have been a little more vocal. She showed class. She knows that you can't reverse the action and she must know that you can't negate the wrong choices. But as mothers often do, they will never admit when their kid errs or perhaps did something really stupid—like spending the night in jail.

She was mad a me for the Squeaky Fromme comparison. Actually it was not my intention to put Cara Jennings in the same category as Squeaky Fromme who brought a gun to protest the cutting down of California Redwoods when the President of the United States was speaking that day. And even though there was no bullet in the chamber, Fromme paid a dear price.

My article was only to point out that protesting what you consider a good or righteous cause can take you to places you never expected. By committing that one stupid act, it can possibly ruin your life forever.


  1. The illegal situation in our city is an act of treason, isn't it?

  2. I'm still pissed that we can't have lynch mobs these days.

  3. What about the stain it put on Lake Worth. We are already known as a nut place full of illegals, gangs and crime.

  4. What about our city that is in ruins thanks a lot to her.

  5. believe like most right thinking people that your article on Framme was right on target. The difference here though, is that Ms Jennings is an elected official and a representative of all the city at large and she has to make a decision to represent us or resign her seat and raise all the hell she wants as a private citizen--you can't have it both ways. Leave the protesting to Peter & others or resign and have at it.

    Jim NcCauley

  6. 2 Things-
    Jim aren't you the one that brought up George Goyones, Cara's opponent during her first election being a pimp for male prostitutes, all but insuring the city being stuck with Cara who has made countless bad decisions for the city, and now has her little army of anarchists campaigning for the likes of Golden and Mulvehill ensuring she maintains the majority on the dais and can continue with her bad decisions?
    That was you wasn't it?
    Lynn it seems like you're now trying to make amends by sucking up to both of them.
    Mrs. Jennings must have missed your stories about Cara being the "shining star".
    Moral of the story be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. You both wanted Cara in office and you got it.
    Plus she's made a heck of alot more than one bad choice.

  7. Thank you for your comments.

    First of all, I write opinion and focus only on how I perceive it to be, good or bad. Cara Jennings has made some excellent decisions on the dais turning around some of the very BAD ones made by previous commissions. She has also made some bad ones and I have written about them as well. She, and no one, gets off the hook.

    I would wager to say that you like her decision at the beach to eliminate parking and put in trees, etc. It seems that is what a few of you advocate. To me, this is a lousy decision. I have always believed that the people should have had the right to vote on their beach.

    Power, however, is seductive and corrupting. Ms. Jennings always was for the rights of the people. In the beach instance, she forgot that basic premise for which I thought, she always stood.

    As far a George Goyanes is concerned, the PB Post article right before the election was what did him in. It was his cross to bear. Not only did Mr. McCauley feel the way that he did, but the overwhelming majority of voters did so as well.

    Next time, I would appreciate that you sign your comment particularly when you name names and feel so strongly about an issue and people-- especially if you are a candidate for office.
