Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Elections--where's the excitement?

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Have you noticed how "quiet" this election season is. It's only a little over two months away. I keep thinking about how darn hot it is out there and thanking a former Commission for being the catalyst behind the madness for changing our elections from March to November. Another terrible idea right along with the ugly garbage cans. And that reminds me, even the Chamber of Commerce has been quiet.

So far, I only know of two campaign fundraisers--Laurence McNamara's and Rene Varela's for Mayor. Jo-Ann Golden has one coming up this weekend. I actually got invited to two out of the three and one of those was an afterthought. I like invitations when they are personal. If the candidate takes 30 seconds to call, I like that. If they can't be bothered, neither can I. My time and money are too valuable for me to be treated with such aloofness. It's the same reason why I hate a friend sending me an e-card for Christmas or my birthday...not too much thought behind it and the message is clear.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming weeks with supporters wearing their favorite candidate's T-shirt, campaign literature and the debates. It's fun. One thing for sure, I don't want to hear about the removal of beach decal parking or how I can be bussed from the downtown to the beach. That one will fall on deaf ears.


  1. Those ugly garbage cans help make the city alot cleaner. They're far superior to rotten trash spilling out over uncovered ,undersized cans that were used in the past, and a much better alternative to plastic bags that were often ripped and also spilled trash into the streets. Since you don't really live in the city I guess you couldn't appreciate that. Either that or you still harbor hatred for Nadine years after she has been a commissioner.

  2. I don't understand why some candidates do not have a website for the voters to visit. How can I vote for any candidate that doesn't? I won't.
    I want it in writing on their website just what they will & won't do; where they stand on issues. C'mon, it's 2009. People don't just stand on a box in town anymore.

  3. I think after the last 2 debacles that left us with Jennings Golden and Mulvehill most residents think Lake Worth elections are a sham as inferior candidates continue to get elected. Most people I talk to are just hoping the house cleaning starts this year and are merely waiting for the elections. It's diffucult to get exicted about watching Larry debate Javier or Exline debate Maxwell. What positive has happened recently to keep people interested? Residents are fed up with the city.

  4. Of course I live in the City of Lake Worth--where have you been? I don't hate anyone. I leave that emotion to others. Nadine Burn's decisions are what they are.

  5. So tell me, what exactly did you learn from any candidate's web site?

  6. Exline is not a one issue candidate. Laurence (not Larry) is highly familiar with all the issues. Is Javier? Is anyone else actually informed? Jordan is informed. Wes is informed. Jo-Ann is informed.

  7. to the poster who said they choose a candidate from their website all I have to say is you are full of bull.

  8. Personally, I believe Rene Varela would make a Fine Mayor. He is well educated, has a lovely wife, and takes a genuine interest in what is going on in this City! This is his home, where he will start his family, he has everything to gain by helping turn this City into the thriving community, we all know it can be!Please take the time to speak with him about your concerns. He's a great listener.

  9. I have never met Varela but hope to.
