Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Granny has a Right to be Worried

Washington's doublespeak
As Granny sits around and frets that she will be thrown under the bus because of Obama’s healthcare plan, she literally is falling behind the eight ball just to keep her head above water.

Three out of seven elderly are economically poor or vulnerable and many live in the shadow of poverty. When your own government says that there has been NO inflation, perhaps they need a new benchmark for their analysis. No wonder Granny has big doubts; they didn’t ask her.

The government still includes the price of gasoline index and this figure skews the entire stats. According to the Consumer Price Index, we have had inflation of 2.7%. Take out the energy (price of oil) factor, which the government states has gone way down, who knows how high inflation really is?

We know on a local level that the price of services has gone up along with our electric and will continue to do so. Here in Lake Worth, Granny worries about cooling her residence, maintaining her property, putting food on her table and buying her prescriptions. She infrequently drives her car so the price of gas would not be that much of a concern. Grocery prices are up every week as is the price of all consumer goods. Granny has lost 50% of her investments and the banks that have been bailed out by tax dollars are paying peanuts in interest as they raise all their fees. Those who have retired and living in condominiums are ending up paying for the deadbeats who have refused to pay their monthly maintenance and special assessments while banks are foreclosing right and left.

The latest report again is that there will be no COLA increases for perhaps the next two years with the government saying we have had no inflation. In the same breath, the government says that the price of Medicare is going up. That is deducted right out of the social security check. Granny pays more for health coverage but no increase to pay for it.

When our government can bail out every Tom, Dick and Harry and give Stimulus money to losers, then Granny has a right to be concerned. We are totally off base when we can give $25 billion a year in foreign aid. And Obama wanted to double that amount by 2012. Think about this--$25 billion is much more that what our government collected in federal income taxes. Does the government speak in double speak?

Granny worked all her life and now is forced to worry about the illegal alien loophole under the Obama Healthcare Plan and our tax dollars going to foreign countries in aid that will never be repaid, give away plans up the kazoo while she has to forego a couple of bucks raise in social security. You can see why granny is worried.

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