Monday, August 24, 2009


Comment Up
Tomorrow our CRA meets at 6pm at City Hall one last time before interviews for new members are held on August 31. On the Agenda are several items that are peculiar to say the least.

1. Nomination of a new Chair
2. Nomination of a new Vice Chair
3. Approval of the Budget and 5 Year CIP.

Now why would the CRA schedule items 1 and 2 when everyone on there could be replaced with the exception of Donna Ross? We know that most of the present Board feels that there is no new member who could possibly understand the Budget or the CIP so they want to hurry and get that approved.

Maybe it's all a mistake. Sure it is.


  1. The CRA is actually required by their By-Laws to elect a new chair in July. They are also required to adopt a budget by the end of their fiscal year, which must be approved by the City Commission. The City Commission must have the budget in time to discuss and adopt it by September 15.

    No one knows for sure, until August 31, who the new commissioner's will be, except that Donna Ross will be returning. Therefore - who will start the the CRA meeting after August 31?

    What you are noticing is exactly the case: this is not how it should be. Staggered appointments, and early replacements (in June or July) allows for an oderly transition. This is not how the City Commission chose to move forward.

  2. Are the By-Laws on-line? If so, please let me know where I can find them. Thanks.

  3. State statute designates the commission as the body that appoints the chair, not the CRA board.
