Monday, August 31, 2009

CRA Interviews starting at 5:40pm

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I understand that several people have dropped out due to two things 1) the postponement at the last minute when they were to interview previously and 2) what the CRA did last week and what they voted upon.

I have been told that these two decisions, the first made by the Mayor and the other made by the present CRA Board itself, have put a damper on the process. Hopefully, we will have a new Board that will understand what the goal is...eliminate slum and blight, not spend nearly a $million on a dream or $15 million on two roads.

There is a cross section of the city applying for this Board and hopefully the City Commission will pick from all the different interests who live and/or have businesses in the city and choose from the various neighborhoods.


  1. Mark Rickards (

    I've said at least 20 times that the entire interview/appointment process should have been done 60 days ago, and an orderly transition of staggered appointees should have been in place, and its a bit melodramatic to have interviews on the last possible day. But that's not why I'm writing. As a CRA member that did not apply for re-appointment I am excited about the 30 plus people who applied. I know it will be a long night tonight, but it's awesome to see that many interested people.

    I honestly find it incredible to suppose that a new board member would think that the cultural council relocation was a 'dream', as if it was money spent in an unspecified way for an unspecified project. Please email Joan Oliva, myself, the City Manager, the Mayor or anyone to get the facts on this exciting opportunity. To quickly summarize; it is a forgivable loan that requires the Palm Beach Cultural Council to relocate their headquarters from Palm Beach Lakes to Downtown Lake Worth, acquire the building within 120 days (it is down to two sites, which are not really a secret), and they will absolutely relocate their headquarters to that building for at least 10 years. No guesswork, if they don't, the deal's off. Period. This type of thing is what the Board has talked about in a very direct way, first in the visioning co-sessions with the city commission of 2008, then in the hiring of hand-on consulting, and finally in the 2009 city commission joint visioning meeting this year. Retail and Business attraction was ranked #2 by the combined score. This was a grand-slam of an opportunity, and the agreement has teeth, specifics, and definate performance standards in it. It is a good solid deal, that leverages $700,000.00 of budgeted CRA money from THIS fiscal year, not next, to obtain the relocation of the cultural hub of Palm Beach County and an investment of approximately 7 million, 20-30 jobs, conferences, board meetings, and investment in the art and culture of this town, its residents and the county! Its a good thing! Check out the facts and get a copy of the agreement; its not a hand-shake deal by any means. Email me if you like I will answer.

  2. I most definitely see your point of view. I know how desperate the Board is to revitalize the downtown. You just can't quantify nor can you rely on any guarantee from them that they will do anything for Lake Worth. You are counting on their word and their sales job are you not? If they do not perform we get the money back? What have they done for WPB? Mark, we have neighborhoods rapidly corroding.

    When I heard their presentation I was impressed but I had no idea that they would ask us for this much money. I thought perhaps it would be to pick up their utility bill or something. Can't anyone ever come to Lake Worth and not have their hand out? Ever?
