Monday, August 31, 2009

A local Hero - Ed Tichenor

If there was a Palm Beach County Hero Award, I can’t think of anyone more deserving than Ed Tichenor. Ed is with Reef Rescue, an organization totally focused and dedicated to saving our coral reefs. It is a continuous battle from boats scraping anchors along the ocean’s bottom thereby killing this living breathing animal to man’s pollution. He is now fighting the greed of a municipality.

Ed wants to bring the Federal protection from as far as the Dry Tortugas just a little farther north of its ending point, the Boynton Inlet, because this protected coral has grown and has reached the Lake Worth Inlet. His biggest opponent? The Town of Palm Beach. Palm Beach still insists on dredge and fill for its eroding beaches, a solution that has proved to be NO solution and one that is destroying our Staghorn coral reefs, protected since 2006 and facing extinction in 30 years.

Reef Rescue has proof positive of its assertions but Palm Beach argues that this is of little significance to them--they don't care--that it is a small amount and uncommon. The Town of Palm Beach is determined to smother over and kill living animals in our ocean. Ed says “no way” will we allow that. Lake Worth concurs.

Commissioner Jennings has brought forth a ballot initiative where all voters who live in Lake Worth can vote on November 3 to prohibit dredge and fill beach re-nourishment projects within the municipal boundaries of Lake Worth and prohibit the use of the Lake Worth beach as a means of ingress and egress for beach re-nourishment projects. This is a big step to protecting our reefs.

With Ed’s tenacity, and the help of Lake Worth, the Staghorn Coral might have a living chance.

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