Monday, August 31, 2009

CRA appointments - Congratulations!

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Candidate Wes Blackman for City Commission District 3 wrote a letter to the entire Commission, including the City Manager and City Attorney this morning asking for his opponent, Jo-Ann Golden, to recuse herself from voting for CRA Board member Ed Grimm's re-appointment as well as any interviewee. Inspite of his objection, Mr. Grimm was voted back on the Board. Mr. Grimm works for the CDC, the same employer as Vice Mayor Golden.

As everyone knows, Board appointments ARE political. That is the bottom line. Evidently our City Attorney saw no conflict of interest.

There were six slots opened with the original field of thirty applicants narrowed down to seventeen because of voluntary withdrawals. Those who the Commission felt were the most qualified and showed respect for the City Commission were appointed as follows:

Ed Grimm 4 votes, 2013
Michael Hyde 4 votes, 2013
Cary Sabol 4 votes, 2013
Andy Amoroso 3 votes, 2011
Jessica Rockstein 3 votes, 2011
Peter Meyerhoefer 2 votes, 2010


  1. Golden is SO out this time around.

  2. Oh, Jimbo--Just shows what you know.

  3. I do not agree that they should interview someone over the phone. I heard Jessica and she did not sound qualified at all. They tossed off Wayne who actually had some balls to stand up and question.

  4. I was really astounded at Retha last night. Clearly her words in defense of Lynch and Materio were right out of the mouth of her good friend Loretta who is running for Mayor. Here she is, a standing commissioner, who has been insulted publicly by them, particularly Materio, and Retha says, "oh well, it's nothing. It is definitely something, RETHA WHEN YOU HAVE PEOPLE BAD-MOUTHING the very people they report to and who appointed them. In the real world they would have been fired. It took 3 other commissioners to do what you should have done.

  5. then it is really a whole new board as Ross and Grim haven't been there very long. A change is a good thing. I am not happy that they picked two downtown merchants. One would have been sufficient. It was Ross who wanted Lynch as the Chairman.

  6. Commission votes according to "party" line. No surprise here other than Wayne.

  7. It's a very good board, there should be a good mix of people and we finally have that. Congratulations to Jessica, she just might surprise some of you.

    Let's move forward, please.

  8. It was too bad that Vince Rogers wasn't chosen, we needed someone like him who lives in the bad part of the city to shake things up and enlighten all so real change can occur. The city leaders do not want anyone though who is going to demand or make waves. Vince would have been my 1st choice, he is a true leader, he just gets it done, he cares, listens, and wants the best for our blighted and rundown areas.
