Monday, June 15, 2009


The "educated" blogger talking about a photo on his pit bull site says--
The above image (NOT THIS IMAGE)) is a combination of mediums from a planet that I painted using GIMP to HDR image technology, and a little CS3. Unlike some I don't need others to write my blog or create my content.....
Ok, we got his quote out of the way from this blogger without an original thought in his head. He probably thinks the Snook Island stuff he wrote about was original thought too. Everything he comes up with is original. If anyone is that talented, how come they are not going down in the Guinness Book of Records or making a trillion dollars or something? I know. It's all these people he hates that keep him from aspiring to greatness. He doctored up some photo as well...from a PLANET???!! I bet the planet is one that is new to science, never yet discovered. Good going Mr. Originality. I always thought you were from another planet.

P.S. This IS an original photo. Hope you like it Jimbo.

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