Monday, June 15, 2009

Community Relations Board Appointments

Comment up
I have to say this--I am very disappointed in the fact that 4 districts were not represented well. NO one was appointed west of the Tri-Rail. No Senior Citizen was appointed (someone 65 and over), a forgotten group- by this commission as well as past commissions. In fact, minorities made up the biggest percentage of this chosen Board.

We have had commissions push Seniors out of public facilities and have stopped their public, affordable transportation.

At the last count, White people made up 65.12% of the city and Seniors were at 14.3%. Tonight they had seven appointments, one of which was White (a young girl who likes chickens) with the rest of the Board makeup of Spanish (3 appointments) one of whom was someone who spoke no English and whether or not she is even here legally is questionable and the other had a lot of difficulty) and Black (2 appointments) and Chinese American (1 appointment).

Julius Jones received 5 points
Carla Blockson, 4 points
Juana Francisco, 4 points
Melodie Malfa, 4 points
Mark Parrilla, 4 points (This guy is a street fighter)
Deborah Smith, 3 points
Maria Uribe, 3 points
Ed Deveaux was appointed an Alternate for Uribe.

I have not changed my mind about the purpose of this Board. And I know it is not to represent me.


  1. Julius might be a senior citizen but I get your point.

  2. Lyn, Thank you for your flattering words by my name. Please allow me to reassure that, yes you will be represented. I will make sure of that, and so will seniors and ALL residents of our city be represented by the CRB. Lyn I am not bias to any one group and I will prove that in my actions. Look up "Terraces of Lake Worth" on Channel 12's website and you will see the interview John Bachman did on me about a senior citizen (stroke victim)I found wandering in traffic on A street at 9:30pm three weeks ago. I took him back into the facility and called the sherrif and media. The administrator denied this ever happening (on camera) the reporter found 3 open missing persons cases with the sheriff's office of seniors who reside at Terraces. I visit this man every weekend. I believe if we all care, even a little bit more than what we do now, we can effectuate a positive influence in our city.
    Love you too,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  3. Mark--you should have received FIVE points for this Board appointment. Someone screwed up!
