Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another infamous person moving to Lake Worth

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W. D. Childers, was a former Florida Senator for 30 years. He was sentenced for corruption (bribery and unlawful compensation) in 2002. He also violated the Sunshine Law. What did he do specifically regarding Sunshine? He talked about government business with another commissioner from Escambia County. He said it was just his “opinion,” not discussion, as he did not expect a reply.

This reminded me when Larry Karns told our commissioners that it was alright to send an e-mail to other commissioners just as long as you did not get a reply. Caution here. You can see how easy it is to get into trouble.

As far as the bribery went, he gave a commissioner a pot full of cash to buy a vote. After appeals, he finally went to prison in 2006 and will be getting out of the West Palm Beach Work Release this week, reportedly tomorrow. Where will he be living? Lake Worth with his daughter.

Read about it here

1 comment:

  1. Childers is only one of the few of the MANY who got caught. If every crooked,on the take politician were revealed , we would have to build a TON of new prisons!(And that's just for Lake Worth, alone )! Isn't it interesting how some elected officials think they can duck the legal system by resigning their office. As for Sunshine laws,who cares? Not the state. Several citizens have complained about ILLEGAL last minute additions and deletions to the city meeting agendas,and the VERY WELL PAID state officials DON'T CARE !!!!!! Katie Mcgiveron
