Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fishing, Food and Friends

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This free event has been a big success over the past four years and this one will be no exception. It will be the 5th anniversary of saving Old Bridge Park for the people.

This is a strip of land that was saved from development and a sweetheart deal for one developer, Lesley Evans. The parcel was retained for the pleasure of the people and in fact, from that vote, no public land can be sold off without the vote of the citizens. After the people won the vote, the property was to be eventually developed into a park. It has not and has remained virtually the same since then giving the other side a bogus argument of, "See, it still looks like a piece of crap." They would still rather see a highrise condo there.

At the time, the regime in power, fought so hard against the result of the public referenda and wanted to defeat the Ordinance at the elections. The Mayor at the time put out this request at a public meeting:

Authorize up to $5,000 from the General Fund Contingency Account (current balance in this account is $509,600) to the City Commission Promotion Account for the design and mailing of one fact sheet to all voters who voted in the past two City elections, newly registered voters since March 2004, and recent primary plus with regard to the upcoming referendum item "Public Lands, Public Vote".

Luckily, we now have SB 216 in effect and no city government will be allowed to campaign against the people using public funds.

Many citizens volunteer time, money and food for this occasion that is enjoyed by ALL the citizens here in Lake Worth, not just a favored few. All volunteers put aside their political differences on this day (with the exception of Jimbo, poor guy--still fighting it) of celebration, not only for the founding of our country but for saving Old Bridge Park.

Save The Water Front And Town invites all of you to another great day of fishing, food and friends.

If you want to help make it a success, please contact Laurence McNamara at 547-3996.


  1. Stafford is still moaning and groaning about saving a park. What a guy. Hey, Jim, come on over and eat a free dog.

  2. Some people really look forward to this picnic, especially if they do not have the money to afford to go to the picnic on the other side of the bridge.

    Get involved/volunteer with it and you just may feel good about yourself afterwards. It's not about who is putting it on but who it serves, the hungry and the kids.

  3. Actually, those "putting it on" are citizens of Lake Worth, giving their time, money and actual purchase and delivery of the food, ice and beverage. It is sponsored by Save The Waterfront and Town, a political action committee that was behind the referendum to save this piece for a park for the people.

    There are citizens who volunteer every year to play music and buy the prizes. To save any public land for a park is a noble goal.

    So, if you don't personally like some of the people who are volunteering to do this great thing for Lake Worth citizens, then you should look to yourself and question why. Volunteering in this way does make you feel better and who knows, you might just come to like some of these people who are actually doing something for the people--all of them, not just those who can't afford food on the other side.

  4. Hey Lynn, How about SWAT starting a fund raising effort to get a design, for better uses of the Causeway Park, Old Bridge Park, Hot Dog Park (depending on who you are talking to)Possibly a design contest for landscaping, picnic pavillions with tables and BBQ pits, and one compatible for use connected with the green market, which at one time was discussed. My train of thought is that if we have a design, grant money and maybe even some stimulus $$ would put some of us to work.

  5. Great idea. I will mention it and perhaps they can start at the event on the 4th.

  6. S.W.A.T is a group of good longtime Lake Worth residents who have volunteers who can do the landscape design for free ,like they would for the Beach.Cara prefers to use our City money without competitive bidding.Those volunteer professionals have given complete plans,site plans,elevations for the Dixie corridor rehabilitation.
    I hope new comers who do not know that we started 5 years ago,feeding thousands of less fortunates, should state what they have done for Lake Worth during the same time. We never asked for anything for ourselves, since 1991!

  7. What have those who twist our altruistic actions for their own attention getting, done in the same 5 years we have fed thousands of less fortunate people?

  8. "enjoyed by ALL the citizens here in Lake Worth, not just a favored few"
    Enjoyed by many, but not "all".

  9. Well, all are certainly invited. Come on over, even you guys who would rather see a 10 story condo on the property. You are welcomed too.

  10. I love the park and I am proud that we have saved it, as is.
