Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Same old story, just a different city - Why Florida Hometown Democracy will win

A copy of a letter to the Editor from Orlando Sunsentinel:

Kudos for Healy growth column

Thank you for the Jane Healy column Sunday ("Politicians get blame for growth measure's support") information about Hometown Democracy's success against Orange County's pay and pave development policy. As a recent Orlando resident, I appreciate the history of how we got to this point.

Land developers remind me of the oil drilling leasers — they don't want to drill for oil they just want the lease to add to their net worth It seems the developers are the same animal — they don't want to build they want to buy the right to build so they can add to their net worth or sell the right for a profit. Both are very profitable investments for the wealthy and the well-connected, a group that politicians love to help.

Jim Greene,Orlando
Go to Florida Hometown Democracy and download the petition.

Florida Hometown Democracy will win because the majority of the residents in this State have had it.

1 comment:

  1. This article hit the nail on the head ! In EVERY case that has come before the Lake Worth Developers Club ( Oh, I'm sorry , Wes Blackman is no longer on this board ),I meant to say the Planning and Zoning Board,the "Developers"come a beggin for tons of variances ,increased zoning, etc. -you know ,WHATEVER THEIR LITTLE HEARTS DESIRE ! and THE MOMENT these "Developers" get what they want a FOR SALE sign goes up on the property!Katie Mcgiveron
