Monday, June 15, 2009

Socialism in Lake Worth? -- Chickens Next?

On July 1, there will be a new law in Oklahoma. If they can do it, so can Florida! They will deport illegal aliens who have committed non-violent crimes and who are now incarcerated and have served one-third of their sentence. This will save the State of Oklahoma approximately $4 million a year.

Statistics, according to Numbers USA, say that we have spent $1,424,984,004 since 2001 to pay for incarceration of illegals who have committed crimes, many of which have been violent. There are over 712,000 illegal fugitives roaming around our country. This is mind boggling to me. California spends over $10 billion a year.

Now here comes The Mentoring Center, the Group that was given our Shuffleboard Court Building, literally taking it away from our LEGAL senior population and other groups that used it. A CITY BUILDING. They pay $1 a year. If you notice the sign, it is now called The Lake Worth Resource Center. Looks pretty dead down at our Shuffleboard Court Building these days. Jobs are scarce in America and what low paying jobs there are, illegals are grabbing them over American workers. Oh, and I almost forgot, we are not supposed to call them what they are, illegals.

The original goal was to reduce the number of people hanging out and the number of employers picking up on our city streets and outside the building and to find them jobs. The economy is doing this for us. They are not supposed to ask them if they are illegal or not but it is an illegal act. And The Mentoring Center, now known as The Lake Worth Resource Center, (no mentoring going on there I guess) wants to ease INTEGRATION. Why should that be a priority? The majority of their business plan for Lake Worth is ILLEGAL because it was founded on the premise of getting undocumented workers off our city streets and finding them employment.

Just can’t wait to hear Lisa Wilson’s spin on this sham against American taxpayers and informing us of all the various grants she is getting, all the faith based organizations that are helping and places such as Wachovia (no wonder my interest rate is squat) that has given money towards this enterprise, to encourage all of this and all along convincing our Commission that it is all a great success. As far as I know and unless it has changed since it opened, the resource center has no budget or paid staff other than Wilson, who has brought in volunteers and applied for grants and taking money from anywhere she can.

Tonight there are the interviews for the Community Relations Board formed to keep the Sheriff in line and to "ease integration." This is a totally unnecessary Board but since it has to be, let's get appointees that represent the cross-section of this City with different points of view, not just those paranoid about law enforcement or advocates for open borders.

Socialism in Lake Worth. Chickens next.

Source for Oklahoma law:


  1. The whole idea of a Community Relations Board is absurd! Our officers are doing an outstanding job, and I have never witnessed them doing anything improper towards the illegals. Our commissioner is hungry for power, especially as it concerns the PBSO.
    We homeowners are not a priority to the current commission!

  2. The only priority are the illegals, the homeless and the CRA giving away our money to con artists.

  3. What I find exasperating is the fact that residents have formulated totally inaccurate opinions about what the Community Relations Board mission is. People please do your due diligence before publicy posting innaccuracies. Funny how at our first meeting there was only one resident from the public that was in attendance. I invite you all to attend our next meeting August 10, 2009 @ 6:00pm to see what this board is about and what it's members have come together to do. Remember people this is YOUR board and we are just residents volunteering our time to seek improvement in the community we reside in. Let's join in and help before being so quick to judgement. I look forward to seeing you there!

    Mark A. Parrilla
    CRB Chairman

  4. Mark--Congratulations on being appointed Chair to this Board. You will make an excellent leader here and keeping this Board on the right track which is NOT to oversee our Sheriff's Department and its policies. You will be objective in everything that you do. I just don't happen to believe that this Board was founded on objectivity but rather looking after the rights of non-citizens, etc. Prove me wrong in what you do going forward. And I will definitely try and get to a meeting.
    Love ya,
