Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Democrats and Media had nothing but Name Calling and Lies

A little-noticed Republican victory totally destroys the media’s narrative on one annoying Democrat issue

Donald Trump did not only defeat Kamala Harris. He also beat the Democrat Media Complex.

But one little-noticed Republican victory totally destroys the media’s narrative on this annoying Democrat issue.

Kamala Harris and the Democrats struggled to find a message for the 2024 Presidential campaign.
  • First, they tried to win with “vibes” and “joy.”
  • That petered out, so they had to pivot to policy.
  • Then Madison Square Garden did it for them by calling Trump and supporters "Nazis."
But Harris could not divorce herself from Joe Biden’s unpopular policies that Harris fully endorsed every step of the way.

After the policy discussion failed, the Democrats reverted to name-calling. Democrats hoped that Orange Man Bad stories would carry the day.

They did not.



  1. Nothing but hate from them, will never watch legacy or cable media and news again!

  2. Communists, baby-killers, scum, socialists, pedos, FU Joe Biden, fascists, libtards, demonrats...I could go on and on and on. If you can't take a punch, don't punch.

  3. @8:05...oh, stop whining! the Republican Platform was on issues and Making America Better whereas the Democrats platform was to slime Trump and his supporters. You all LOST BIG TIME...sweet.

  4. Yes it just goes to show you that love always wins over hate! Thank God! May God bless the United States of America and President Trump make America great again!
