Wednesday, September 11, 2024

October Surprise?

October Surprise?

Kash Patel Believes Kamala Harris will be Installed as President Before the Election--— Lord help us…

He believes an agreement will be made for Biden to hand over the presidency to Kamala Harris in exchange for a presidential pardon for all members of his family.

“It’s really on him to, I guess in this instance, work with Biden as the Commander-in-Chief, who could also, by the way, slip the Commander-in-Chief hat over to Kamala in the lead up to the election here to make her President and give her a boost politically somehow, and he could just retire from the seat,” Patel said.

Patel speculated that a deal could already be in the works, whereby Biden steps down to ensure that Harris assumes power before the election.

This, he claimed, would be part of a broader effort to protect the Biden family from legal repercussions stemming from ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and tax issues.

Patel asserted that Biden’s motive would be to secure political and legal protection for his family in exchange for leaving office.

Read more about it...


  1. I've read that she's already president. She was sworn in last week and is secretly spending time in the Oval Office as she runs the country.

  2. God help us, the slaves for Satan are in control!

  3. If she's already president, why are we having an election? I don't get it.

  4. Interesting. I was saying she would be installed after the election so she would be the first, black, woman president before Trump gets sworn in on Jan 2025.

  5. @5:31...because she would just assume Biden's term that ends on January 20, 2025.
