Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Al Sharpton's Race Baiting BS -- It never stops

Al Sharpton wants to keep you focused on race and identity, distracting you from the real issues

Al Sharpton and his cronies in the far-left media love to spread lies. It’s their bread and butter. And right now, one of their biggest lies is tying Project 2025 to Donald Trump.

Let’s set the record straight: Trump had nothing to do with Project 2025. But that won’t stop Sharpton and the left from using it as another tool in their identity politics arsenal.

Let’s break it down.

Project 2025: The Left’s Bogeyman, But Not Trump’s Plan

First things first: Project 2025 is not Donald Trump’s plan. You wouldn’t know that from the left’s constant fearmongering, though.

Al Sharpton and April Barrette, in their desperate attempt to smear conservatives, are pushing this false narrative that Project 2025 is some Trump-driven agenda. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Yes, Project 2025 has a conservative tilt, but it’s not Trump’s brainchild. In fact, most of the points the left is using to criticize it are either blatant lies or exaggerated to the point of absurdity. They claim it’s about gutting unions, undermining workers, and replacing government employees with MAGA loyalists.

This is classic fearmongering, designed to keep people from thinking critically about what’s really happening.

Read about the lie...


  1. He is such a racist and hater!

  2. Keep 'em down on the plantation ,Al. Can't let people think on their own. Critical thinking = freedom. NO SIR !
