Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Vote for Deborah Adeimy to unseat Lois Frankel

Deborah has to win her primary and has two opponents for the Republican nomination. Deborah is the most qualified.

Election Day: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 20, 2024


  1. I didn't here her say one word about what she is going to do about anything. It's all fluff.

    I'm a Republican who votes for Lois. Lois actually does things. Lois is smart tough and hard-working. It's in her DNA.

    Unless it was Fisher himself, I would not vote for a financial adviser. Is she a fiduciary?

  2. Instead of condemnation, why not call her and speak with her? 561-820-7888
    Lois is a hard core Democrat...Democrats have ruined our country.

  3. I like Carrie Lawlor. Adeimy is all flash, no substance.

    Vote for Carrie, everyone!

  4. Isn't it somewhat concerning that all of these Financial Gurus are leaving Investment Banking to run for Congress. Are they expecting the market to crash and they want to be safely employed by the Government, getting a regular salary, and all they can steal.

    How long have you known this woman? What magical words did she utter to make you a committed fan of hers.

  5. @3:28...obviously you re the one who is ALL flash. Carrie not running.

  6. @3:39...She lost her last primary by 130 votes. She is the most qualified of the 3 running.

  7. Who are the other 2? Is Bob Weinroth running?

  8. @4:32--Andrew Gutmann and Dan Franzese

  9. Love Deborah, met her months ago at Roaslitas

  10. How can you say she is more qualified than Andrew Gutmann?

  11. @5:21--Andrew Gutmann refused to vote for Trump in 2016and in 2020. The Gutmanns have donated thousands of dollars to China-friendly liberals and Lois Frankel (the candidate he says he wants to beat).
    The Gutmann family chemical company partners with Chinese companies with operations throughout China.
    We have the proof.

  12. I didn't know we weren't trading with China.

    Gutmann wrote a letter to Brearley that you should read before you write him off.

    Also, he is very educated, and has actually demonstrated that he can do something other than make guesses about the market.

  13. @6:06...vote for whomever you want.

  14. Women don’t belong in politics , the proof is in the pudding.

  15. Lois is such a sleaze and baby killer supporter, she's got to go!

  16. @8:36...that's a "good" one! Wrong, but good.
    Tell it to all the women who have been and are today, leaders of their countries.

  17. i dont think any of you have a brain or comon sense.stop trying to tell people who to or not vote for.let them vote their way.it doesnt look like the last few election has been to productive

  18. You are not going to beat Lois, so save your breath. What kind of politician do you want in this area? Somebody who talks and does nothing? Maybe you'd like someone who can sell you a mutual fund. Put your ideology aside and look around at the area you are living in and ask yourself what kind of leader you need.

    Do you think a magic wand, and pretty words are going to help the poor? You may not like the poor, but they are all around you. People losing their homes and living in their cars. If they are lucky to have a car!

    Every time somebody loses their home; the value of your home goes down.

    Lois is attempting to give people a start in life. Or would you rather just look at the rich and famous and watch your own life go down with the poor.

    Don't be a fool!

  19. @12:30...voting for a Democrat is the fool!
    Max net worth: $4.17 million

    Total 2020 income: $196,000 to $200,000

    So happy she cares about the poor.

  20. 4 Million is not a lot of money these days. Look at the Net Worth of the people you watch on TV!

  21. wonder what 12.30 has been promised

  22. @4:17...just a diehard Democrat would be my guess.
    The poor is helped in every way possible by our government...free this, free that.

  23. All Dems are evil, haters, and killer supporters.

  24. What's the net worth of the guy you're going to vote for in November?
