Tuesday, June 11, 2024

NRA sued New York and won in the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court just shut down weaponization of government

Democrats have turned weaponizing the government into a tool of their political arsenal.

But one attempt even crossed a bright red line for Democrats.

And the Supreme Court just shut down weaponization of government in a ruling that could hand Donald Trump final vindication.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been a boogeyman for the Left for decades. Several insurance companies ended their relationship with the NRA after NY and the gun control groups pressured them.

New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) Superintendent Maria T. Vullo, sent out letters to insurance companies and banks warning them about working with the NRA and other gun control groups.

The thuggish conduct of New York and its government officials was so beyond the pale that the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) came out in support of the NRA.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor – who was appointed by former President Barack Obama – wrote the opinion for the majority. “In doing so, she can rely on the merits and force of her ideas, the strength of her convictions, and her ability to inspire others. What she cannot do, however, is use the power of the State to punish or suppress disfavored expression,” Sotomayor added.


1 comment:

  1. NY law is out of control, why would people want to live there anymore?
