Saturday, June 15, 2024

Strong Political Bias in the FBI

FBI Grilling Agents With Ties to Trump

The FBI is rooting out Trump supporters from its ranks.

The New York Post obtained internal files that showed FBI agents were grilled on their support of President Trump.

One whistleblower says he was interrogated about not only the former president but also whether he objected to the China Virus vaccine – the infamous clot shot.

The whistleblower worked in the bureau for 12 years, earned cash awards and high marks on his performance evaluations — but had his security clearance taken in March 2022 and was suspended without pay during the internal investigation.

What did he do wrong? He supported Trump.

Read more about it at Todd Starnes...

I would guess that Christopher Wray will be out of a job in 2025.

1 comment:

  1. So obvious since the illegitimate regime took over, slaves for Satan are running this country now!
