Saturday, June 15, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene on Ukraine's "hit" list

Marjorie Taylor Greene ended up on this scary kill list by this media organization

Ukraine NGO creates enemies list of American conservatives

"Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on X that she ended up on a “kill list” put together by an allegedly “independent” Ukrainian media NGO
From the very beginning, I have never voted for a single penny to Ukraine.
Zelenskyy’s thug regime has deemed me an Enemy of the State, and for good reason.
Zelenskyy has never had one single American vote for him. Not only am I a Ukrainian Enemy of the State, but I’m banned…
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) June 10, 2024
The article said it “identified a broad spectrum of aid opponents, ranging from Trump supporters to communists, and examined their connections.”

Greene blasted this enemies list as another attempt to bully U.S. conservatives into rubber stamping more blank checks for Joe Biden’s war in Ukraine.

The Georgia conservative said this database of enemies put together by the Ukrainians showed that President Zelensky was a power mad tyrant out to silence all opposition to the war."

Read about it...

Since the war started in February 2022, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, and RINOs in Congress spent nearly $200 billion to secure the Ukrainian border.

Yet they all also agreed to government funding deals that banned any new money spent on border security here in America.


  1. Why would the Ukrainians pick this BOZO to be their president in the first place.

    We never hear a word from the Ukrainian People themselves. Why is that? Not a single word.

    They must be scared of this tyrant in his army suit.

    A fraud if there ever was one.

  2. Show me one women in politics that you admire in 2024? Biggest bunch of do nothings ever in the history of the world!!!!

  3. It shows how evil Ukraine is, love MTG and her passion to end abortion!

  4. Well, I used to admire Heidi Heidkamp from ND.

    She made a stupid decision and lost the vote.

    That's the way it goes in politics.

  5. @4:40...Heidi Heitkamp is a Democrat and hasn't been a Senator for years.

  6. I know Heidi is a Democrat. She was a good Senator, and it hasn't been that many years.

    She is a regular guest on Squawk Box, which is a financial show that starts at 6 in the morning, on CNBC.

    She left office in 2019.

  7. 5 years ago, a Democrat on fake news CNBC.

  8. You Lynn were a democrat for decades , you voted for Obama quit lying already

  9. @9:41...Yes, I was a Democrat for quite some time...even on the Board of the local Democrat Club. Obama was the direct reason why I changed my political affiliation. I have never looked back and it was the best political decision I have ever made.
    Not sure if McCain would have been just as bad as Obummer.

  10. 7:40, I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you're trying to say, here, but CNBC, is WALL TO WALL FINANCIAL COVERAGE. After the Financial News is over for the day, the programing switches to Shark Tank.

    It is entirely possible, that some of the guests who make appearances on the show are Democrats. Also, that some of them may have been democrats in the past.

    All I know, is that if you want to increase your IQ, you should start watching it. It's the Premier Financial Show in the Country, and possibly in the World.

  11. Love mtg and her convictions against abortion!
