Thursday, June 13, 2024

Joe rapidly declining

Jill Biden had to take Joe Biden off stage after this disturbing episode

Joe Biden’s physical and mental fitness for office are in serious doubt.

He looks like he’s losing.

The Wall Street Journal set off alarm bells in Washington, D.C.’s “Swamp” with a story about how both Democrats and Republicans can tell in private meetings that President Joe Biden is suffering from cognitive decline.

Sources described one meeting about Ukraine where Biden looked like he dozed off and could only speak if he read prepared answers from his notes.

Joe Biden traveled to Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the greatest military success in American history. Biden began a bizarre routine where he began to aimlessly look around, squat down, and then freeze in place.

Read about Joe...

Democrats see it but don't care; they only want the power and the heck with our country as it's falling off a cliff.


  1. Little Lyin' Lynn.

    Biden beat the sh!t outta Trump once and he's going to kick his a$$ again and you'll be crying like a punk ass baby for 4 MORE YEARS!!!


    1. Beat him by cheating punk, you mean!

  2. @4:31...You have lived up to the Democrat standard--proud of ya.
    If Biden wins again (without cheating this time), America will suffer beyond sustainabiliy as a Republic.
    Kiss the country goodbye!
