Thursday, June 13, 2024

Domestic Terrorist funding certain Democrats

Terrorist pardoned by Clinton now financing "Squad" Democrats

"It is NOT a good day in America to be one of the Democrat Squad members, as they like to call themselves.

Susan Lisa Rosenberg:
Rosenberg was born on October 5, 1955, and by her early 20s, she was one of the most famous radical liberals in America.

From the late 1970s until the mid-1980s, Rosenberg was active in the far-left terrorist May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO). According to the FBI, the M19CO "openly advocate[d] the overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed struggle and the use of violence."

Some crimes that M19CO was accused of were armored truck robberies and bombings of government buildings, including the 1983 Capitol bombing.

Rosenberg joined the May 19th Communist Organization, a female-led clandestine group working in support of the Black Liberation Army and its offshoots (including assistance in armored truck robberies), the Weather Underground and other revolutionary organizations.

Rosenberg was charged with a role in bombings at the U.S. Capitol, the U.S. National War College and the New York Patrolmen's Benevolent Association building, but these charges were dropped as part of a plea deal by other members of her group.

Sentenced to prison in 1988 for 58 years, Bill Clinton pardoned her in 2001 with the support of Jerry Nadler."

Read about the communist


  1. Such a slave for Satan like soros

  2. Looks like a simpleton. Who wears their hair like that?

    These people hate themselves!
