Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Joe Biden Loves Executive Orders - Amnesty for Illegals

Joe Biden Contemplates Amnesty For Over 1 Million Illegal Aliens Through Executive Order

Joe Biden is currently contemplating a significant decision that could have far-reaching implications for the United States.

Reports from The Wall Street Journal have indicated that the President is strongly considering granting amnesty to over one million illegal aliens by executive order, just in time for the 2024 Presidential election.

This move comes amidst what has been termed as the worst immigration crisis in American history.

The proposed executive order would specifically target illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens but are ineligible for green cards due to various reasons, such as repeated illegal entry into the country or past instances of forging legal documentation.


As of May 14, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 138 executive orders, 176 presidential memoranda, 613 proclamations, and 125 notices.

If he issues this executive order, it's just the start of legalizing 11-30 million more who are in our country illegally.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to go live in El Salvador! The USA is the biggest banana republic!
