Monday, May 20, 2024

Corrupt Prosecutors pressured Cohen

Prosecutors Threatened Michael Cohen’s Family to Get Him to Flip on Trump

Michael Cohen testified under oath that prosecutors THREATENED him to get him to flip on Trump, taking aim at both him and his family.

During the Trump “hush money” trial in New York, Cohen, the former Trump attorney, revealed that he was pressured by desperate prosecutors who were willing to stoop to new lows to “get Trump.”

In 2018, Cohen plead guilty to federal tax evasion and making false statements to a financial institution regarding a HELOC loan. At the time he claimed that he pled guilty without any outside pressure but now, Cohen admits that prosecutors gave him an ultimatum to coerce him into making the plea.

The attorney revealed that he was under an IMMENSE amount of external pressure with prosecutors in the Southern District of New York telling him that if he didn’t plea guilty AND “flip” on Trump – they would INDICT HIS WIFE.

And it worked.

“I elected to protect my family,” Cohen said.

Read about it...

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