Monday, May 20, 2024

Car Manufacturers changing their tune on electric vehicles

Democrats’ environmental extremist electric vehicle mandates appear to be going up in smoke

Between his sinking re-election campaign, failing Presidency, and obvious physical and cognitive decline, Joe Biden certainly has his hands full these days.

The last thing he needed was more bad news.

But Mercedes-Benz made one announcement that has Joe Biden coming completely unglued.

Few countries on Earth dove headfirst into left-wing environmental extremism quite like Germany, implementing bans and restrictions on nuclear and fossil fuel-powered energy that have proven to be absolutely disastrous for working-class Germans, and put the nation’s energy grid on the verge of collapsing at any moment.

Mercedes-Benz is just the latest in a long line of major corporations who are beginning to change their tune on electric vehicles.

And we know what Trump will do when elected again.


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