Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Biden administration bowing to Moscow and the demands of the appeasers in Berlin?

Toughest Sanctions For Russia ‘Off The Table’ States Biden Admin

"Reportedly, the administration of Old Uncle Joe has removed the most severe sanctions from its toolkit that it could target Russia with “off the table” if Russia goes through with its plan to invade Ukraine.

In a report directly from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley on Friday, a Russian invasion into Ukraine would cause “horrific” repercussions as members of the administration think that Russia has gathered around 100,000 troops to station along the Ukrainian border.

“While final decisions haven’t been made, the officials said, the potential targets include several of Russia’s largest government-owned banks, such as VTB Bank, the banning of all trade in new issues of Russian sovereign debt and the application of export controls across key sectors such as advanced microelectronics,” stated The Wall Street Journal in a report."

“Off the table, for now, are sanctions on oil and natural-gas exports or disconnecting Russia from SWIFT, the basic infrastructure that facilitates financial transactions between banks across the world, the U.S. officials said, but that could change depending on Russian actions.”

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